الأربعاء، يوليو ٠٥، ٢٠٠٦

The Independant Copt

First of all...I'm happy to be back :) I missed you guys!

Now, let me introduce you to a brilliant piece of work which is the fruit of wonderful collaboration between young Copts, from all denominations, from all around the world!

The Independant Copt is a monthly magazine (in English) and the first issue came out on the 1st of July 2006. I recommend you all have a look at the magazine and also at the site Free Copts because there is a dedicated bunch of young Copts who will be working hard toward raising awareness of a whole host of issues concerning the rights of Copts in Egypt.

Let us know what you think!


Blogger xavier said...

Nice! Congrats. I especially appreciated the section on the Coptic language. Lemme ask you this, even though it's a liturgical lanuage, do Copts still learn it and speak it? Or is a bit like Latin? You learn it but nobody speaks it?



يوليو ٠٧, ٢٠٠٦  
Blogger Bent El Neel said...

Hi Guys
Thank you both for stopping by and commenting
Marc: long time no see mate :) Good to see ya again.

You're right it is a bit like latin. But there has been a bit of a revival of late and there are soem young Copts who are actually learniong Coptic in normal conversation and not just for church use. (like Lanternix)

يوليو ٠٧, ٢٠٠٦  
Blogger xavier said...

Thanks again! Cool site :) Is the script in Coptic orArabic?
OK lemme ask you this since Coptic is a Semtic language how closely similar are the basic words with Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew? (basic is like 1-10; boy, girl, man womn, hand, nose etc )


يوليو ٠٨, ٢٠٠٦  
Blogger Bent El Neel said...

Hmmmm, interesting questions Xavier :) but too difficult for me!!
The script in the article is Coptic but there are a couple of words they wrote in Arabic (next to crocodile for example is the arabic word)
I know there are similarities between Hebrew and Arabic. But I must say I'm not so sure about Coptic and Arabic.

يوليو ٠٩, ٢٠٠٦  
Blogger xavier said...

Thanks. Hmmm maybe that could be a follow up article in the next issue ;) The article could be entitled Coptic language: the 'older' cousin


يوليو ١١, ٢٠٠٦  

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