الأربعاء، فبراير ٢٢، ٢٠٠٦

Is Egypt Becoming A Lawless Society?

This is the second time this year (and we're only in February) that a mob of thugs attack a Coptic community. The reason is the same.
They suspected that the Copts are building a church without a permit

When has it become the duty of a civilian to "enforce" the law (and I mean enFORCE)???

Now I thought that in all civilised, soverign, democratic states, there are laws and there are law enforcement agencies to uphold and protect these laws. I also thought Egypt fell in that category.

I also know that those Muslims had the best intentions. They just wanted to point out to those misguided Copts that they're breaking the law. Except, God bless their hearts, they just don't know how to communicate without weilding some sort of weapon or setting something on fire.

Why is it so upsetting to Muslims that Christians want to pray in a church?

Muslims build mosques left right and centre. They even pray in the streets on Fridays or on feast days and to hell with traffic flow. What could possibly hurt the Muslims in that village if the Copts built a church? There are 1200 Copts in the village, don't you think they have a right to have a church so they can practice their religion IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY??

Another question is how could these thugs feel bold enough to litterally take the law into their own hands unless they feel sure the police will be on their side?

My final question (and I may have to say it in Arabic as well) is that even if these people thought they were just "protecting the law", why this particular matter? Why don't they go fight a war against the drugs that are numbing the minds of Egyptian youths? Go fight the corruption of government agencies that thrive on bribes. What about builders who skimp on building materials and lead to buildings that collapse atop their residents? WHat about fundamentalist groups who go about blowing up tourists and Egyptians alike?

يعنى خلاص... الناس ماشيه كويس و الاقتصاد قوى و مفيش جراءم ولا بطاله. مفيش غير الاقباط اللى بيخالفوا القانون؟ إشمعنى يعنى يا ناس ياللى بتقولوا الاسلام دين سماحه و مساواه؟

All the above are crimes that are paralyzing the country's economy not to mention costing lives. Apparently my Muslim compatriots see things differently. They think building a church is more horrendous than all those crimes.

I said it before and I'll say it again: The gates of hell shall not prevail against her


Blogger Bent El Neel said...

Please note the link to the article is in the title of the post.

فبراير ٢٢, ٢٠٠٦  
Blogger Bent El Neel said...

Hi Yara
Good to see you here and thank you for the kind words :)

مارس ٢٤, ٢٠٠٦  

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